Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What to do???

Well, I knew it was going to happen eventually, but this week I realized that there is something on my bucket list that I am not going to be able to do before I am 40.

I have always wanted to take my girls to the annual "Take your daughter to Clemson" weekend.  I thought that this year would be perfect- both girls are old enough to go, and I am aware of it in advance so I can actually plan to go.

Problem?  My oldest has her end of the season soccer tournament that weekend.  Not only will she have multiple games, but we won't know when they are until they have played the game before it.  The games will be all weekend, and will make it virtually impossible to make it to any of the weekend up at Clemson.

This is dissapointing to me on so many levels.  I really wanted to take them to the event.  This is the first thing on my bucket list that has become "undoable."  When I set a goal, I really do NOT like to not achieve it.  It frustrates me to the point that I think, "If I can't do it all, should I even bother???"  Not that I am a quitter, it just makes it easier to justify not getting to other things as well. 

I am going to have to refocus my brain.  Maybe replace #23 with something equally as worthy?  I am working on other milestones this week, and I am getting closer and closer to knocking more things off the list.  Thanks to everyone who has forwarded me "Groupons" for the things I need- you are helping me make my list happen.

So, what I need from you guys is help- what do I do about #23?  Right now all I can think of doing is hoping for rain :)

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