Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The physical (otherwise know as why I NEED coffee)

30. Get a physical. (And not just the “girly” stuff)

I had my physical on Wednesday.  On the way there, during the physical, and on the way home I learned a lot of things about myself.  Some things I think I already knew, and some were surprising to me.  Here are my discoveries:

  1. I am 100% addicted to coffee.  This was a fasting physical, and the phone call I got the day before the exam told me nothing but water after midnight.  That morning I yelled at the kids, sent a nasty note to the preschool, and cut people off in traffic.  I am NO FUN unless I have had my coffee in the morning.
  2. I prefer FEMALE doctors.  And I mean doctors of all kind.  I realized in the waiting room that I have a female GYN, a female PCP, and even a female dentist.  I will only take advice from someone who is realistic about how a mom of 3 can "take it easy" or deal with stress.
  3. I am so glad that I exercise and watch what I eat.  There was no stress involved when they asked me how often I exercised or if I eat a balanced diet.
  4. My blood pressure is WAY lower when the kids are in school than it is when they are not.  When I was at the chiropractor with all 3 kids my resting BP was 130/80 and when I was at my doctor's appt alone it was 110/60.
  5. There are more than one way to look at everything.  I told my doctor about my chiropractor's concern that my body never relaxes.  She told me that while she could see that was probably true, while he called it out of alignment, she called it a Type A personality. 
I am glad that I finally took the time to get the physical.  Blood tests will be back soon, but so far everything looks good.  I do, however, want to share what happened that morning- just a typical morning in my life, made worse by the absence of coffee.

Putting Jack in the car with his ride this morning I found a note stapled to his bag.  It was an invoice for February tuition, with a $10 late fee added on (remember, tuition is due Feb. 1 and it is now Feb. 9.)  I think back and realize that I never paid for February.  Thinking back some more, I realize that they never sent home the envelope for me to put the payment in. You see, I NEED reminders.  I have been paying for this preschool for EIGHT years and still have to look at the envelope every month to see how much to write the check for.  When they send home the big manila envelope with the amount due written in huge letters, I write a check, stick it in the envelope, and send it back.

Since I have not had coffee and I am REALLY hungry at this point I grab the invoice, scribble a nasty note on it about how if you want me to pay you have to send me the envelope, shove it in his bag with a check for tuition NOT including the late fee, and send him on his way.  The whole way to the doctor I go over the note in my head and think about all of the ways I could have handled that better.

I get to the doctor's office and they take me right back.  Not five minutes later, my cell phone rings.  It is the preschool.  Horrified that they are going to confront me about my note, I let it go to voicemail.  Still waiting by myself after the call, I check the message.

"Hey Miriam, this is *** from the preschool.  I think I sent a note home with Jack yesterday about tuition...if you could call me back, I just want to make sure that I didn't misplace your check or anything since you guys are always right on time.  If there are issues this month and you are not able to pay right away, that is okay too...just let me know that everything is okay."

At this point I gulp.  She has NOT gotten my note yet.  She was so sweet about the phone call.  I immediately text Jack's teacher..."Can you make sure the director gets the check I put in Jack's bag?"  I get a text right back, "Jack didn't bring his bag today."  Great.

I call the person he rode with, and it turns out his bag is still in her car.  She is near there and is going to drop it by, and explain that I wrote the note BEFORE the phone call.  I feel horrible at this point, and I just want the check to get there.  I finish my appointment and head home, waiting for Jack to arrive home with my friend and see how it went when she dropped it off.

When she pulls up I immediately ask her how it went.  She had to leave it on the desk because the director wasn't there.  Do I call and apologize now?  I decide to just ignore it, and pretend that the whole thing didn't happen.  I get some coffee (FINALLY) and start to unwind.   I rethink the whole morning, and I decide that "thinking before you speak" applies to writing notes as well.  I should always reread notes before I send them in.  Thirty-nine years old, and still learning.

The next day I get another invoice in his back, this one for the $10 late fee, with a note on it reading, "Late fee waived- I will make sure to send Jack's envelope to you this month."  I am relieved, and humbled a little bit.  Thank goodness for people who can calmly think through things, and don't see everything as a reason to start a confrontation.  I feel very glad that this is the place we have chosen to educate our children.

And you can BET that my tuition will be on time next month.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A heavy heart

This really doesn't have anything to do with my bucket list, but there is something weighing heavy on my heart that I have to get out.

A friend of  my sister and mine from high school with passed away suddenly this week.  She was 36 and a divorced mom of 4 sweet girls.  She had a sparkling personality, and truly made a conscious decision in her life to always make lemonade out of lemons.  Although the last year had been hard for her (going through the divorce and learning to become a single mom,) she always had a great outlook on life, and enjoyed every minute she had with her 11, 8, 6 and 4 year old girls.   She constantly commented on how blessed she was to have the girls in her life.

To me, her passing was heartbreaking in so many ways.  Her girls are now left without a mommy. Her mother is now left without her daughter.  The many friends that loved her and got joy from being around her were left to wonder, "Why?"  Although I feel like God has a plan for us, it is really hard to see what it could possibly be in this case.

To those around her, we are also left to confront our own mortality.  If someone so young and healthy could become sick and pass so suddenly, it could happen to any of us.  We see her in us, and her children in our children.  Are we prepared for that happening?  Do we have measures in place that would protect our loved ones if this were to happen in our lives?  Have we said what we would have wanted to say to those around us?  Have we done all of the things in our lives that we would have wanted to do?  Why not?  What are we waiting for?

The reality is, every day in life is a gift.  We have to take advantage of every single day.  As cliche as it sounds, you have to live every day like it is your last.  Tell the people in your lives that you love them. Make memories today.  Tomorrow is not guaranteed.

Rest in peace Melissa.  Know that you have touched people near and far with your sweet spirit.  Know that those around you will continue to shower the love and support that you would have wanted on your girls.  Know that you will be immensely missed. 

And to those who knew and will miss her- honor her memory.  Live your life with no regrets.  Remember to be grateful for what you are given.  Make lemonade out of your lemons.  And know that there is a new angel in heaven looking down upon all of us.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Monday Madness

33. Make a list of 10 people I know in my life that have inspired me

Some days I need inspiration more than others.  This week I seem to need more than most.  You see, Monday was a stereotypical Monday.  Everything that could go wrong did. Most were just small things, but the small things add up and become big things.

First thing Monday morning (if you can even call it that) I woke up at 2:45 and couldn't go back to sleep.  I was blaming it on the generic Claritin at the time, but a few days later I think it was actually stress.  When I decide to check my email at 5am I realize that my gym has gone bankrupt and I have nowhere to work out.  Getting the kids on the school bus (well, you know how that goes.........)  Dog has his first inside accident in a week, forgot to send in things for school, spilled coffee on the new couch......you get the idea. 

Every year about this time I get in a mid-winter funk.  Not-so-coincidentally I also begin working out more often because that will get me through.  Problem is now that my gym, WITH childcare option, is now closed.  I can work out while kids are in school, but then I don't have time for other things- grocery shopping, cleaning, doing my actual "work", and the occasional IHOP breakfast. I count on the gym for so many more things too- a social interaction with like-minded adults, a break from the kids during the all-too long time while I am a tax season widow, and as a time to clear my head of my problems and stress.  This option that I have had for the past 5 1/2 years is now gone. What to do next?

I have looked into many options in the area.  None is a good fit- either too expensive, not convenient, no childcare.......what to do?  I get on the computer looking for other options, and what I find warms my heart.

On Facebook I see many messages from members or employees of my now defunct gym.  They are determined to push on and get the gym re-opened.  They are holding classes in neighborhood clubhouses while they figure out what to do.  Instructors are banding together and talking to the building owner about leases.  And then it hits me- I am out a gym, but they are out jobs; paychecks; steady income.  Whatever I am out, they are out much more.

To quote one of the instructors on her FB page:

You can't keep us down! We are chicks with attitude and we can kick butt!
Just take one of our classes...we will spin your legs off,
kick you in the head, dance circles around you,
 pick you up over our heads, and intimidate you with
 our 6 pack abs, grrrrr...we are coming back!!!

These people amaze me.  If they can suck it up and deal with it, so can I.  The right opportunity for me will arise.  Hopefully the amazing people that went to and worked at my old gym will remain a part of my life- they all inspire me and help push me through.  You guys know who you are, and I love you.

And it looks like I got my Zumba class done right in time!!!