Sunday, October 2, 2011

One week away....learn to let things go.

One week. That is all I have until the big 4-0.  Taking a look at my list this morning, and I am pleasantly surprised at all the things I have accomplished. 

Some of my highlights?  Definitely taking the girls to Clemson. I got to relive some memories, and catch up with an old friend.  Doing the Warrior Dash with my friend Stephanie.  Have some crazy fun, and catch up with an old friend.  "Project Live Love" event with Caroline.  Spend some time with my daughter, and help out a good cause.  Ziplining in Georgia- try something new, with a good friend.

I guess what I am noticing, is the things that make me happy also include doing them with people that make me happy.  This includes my family, and friends, both old and new.  So, based on this, I have decided going forward that I am going to live the way that I have taught my oldest child.  Surround my self with positive people, and stay away from ones that are draining, or leave you feeling down or depressed after the interaction.

When the kids were small we tried to teach them to be nice to everyone.  You don't say mean things, you don't take toys away, and you try to play with everyone who is there.  As they get older, you start to realize that not everyone raises there kids to be the same way.  Some kids say mean things, some kids don't share their toys, and some kids purposely exclude others.  Once my oldest hit first grade (who knew it would be that early) we amended the rules.  You do need to be nice and considerate to everyone, but you do NOT have to be friends with everyone.  If someone is going to hurt your feelings, it is okay to not be their friend.  I tell the kids that, and I am going to try and remember that for my own personal reference as well.  I simply do not have enough time to waste some on people that bring me down.

That being said, the GOAL in the future is to not be that person either.  (For those of you who heard my story about the Pepperoni's Pizza incident, I guess I forgot that lesson that night....)  I know that everyone else is like me- any time I have with others takes away from the time with my family.  I need to make sure that the time is worth it, and spending time fuming after an interaction with others is totally wasted.

Along those lines, I am trying hard to remember to put myself in the other person's shoes as well. I don't know if they are having a bad day, just lost their house, put their pet down, or found out that there is not really a tooth fairy.  I am trying hard to give people the benefit of the doubt and not over react (like threatening to call 911 over a stupid cheeseburger...Pepperoni's again....)  And HOPEFULLY people will try to give me the benefit of the doubt as well.  Especially since I have issues sometimes "letting things go." 

And about "Letting things go," I have 12 more things I need to try and get done in the next week.  While I am going to try my hardest to get them all done, I have decided that if I don't get there by then I am going to keep working on it, and not dwell on the fact that I missed my own timeline.  If I can let myself "Let it go" then I could really add another thing to my list that I have accomplished in my "old age."

And one more thing for my MES peeps.....I will say this one more time and then I will let this one go...if you were at the PTA meeting on Thursday, when I introduced Liz, IT WAS A JOKE that she and I both got.  I was NOT trying to be mean, even though it might have come out that way. I am letting that one go as well.....except for the fact that Liz and I will both be sporting some tshirts at the next meeting that you won't want to miss :)