Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The cat needs to get my tongue

36. Support someone in something I don’t believe in, just because I love them

Okay.  I will admit it. I am a very headstrong, opinionated person.  Many times my opinion is out of my mouth before I realize I haven't been asked for it.  (Okay, MOST times.)  This is something that ends up on my New Year's Resolutions every year without fail:  learn to think before you speak.

Since New Years I have had a few situations arise where #36 could come into play.  As I am trying to decide which situation to "choose" I am going through my head.  Can I possibly keep my mouth shut about how I really feel?  If I don't open my mouth is anyone in real "danger?"  Might my head explode trying to keep my thoughts in??

Then something occurred to me.  I could actually try supporting EVERYONE I love in what they are doing.  I mean, they are part of my life for a reason, right?  I obviously think they are capable of making decisions on their own.  If they ask I will give an opinion, if not asked, I will just be supportive. It will be a challenge, but one I am willing to face.

Here is my first example (and also one where I find out who is actually reading my blog :).  Names will be withheld to protect the "innocent."

Someone I love and their spouse are beginning potty training their first child.  Now, I am not an expert on potty training, but I have trained my three kids.  For me, waiting until they were ready was key.  I waited until my kids stayed dry during the night, and then spent about a week training each one.  Done.  Out of diapers and into underwear.  One week and out.  Ironically, all of them at the same age, about 2 years 8 months.

Back to my loved ones.  Their child is about 18 months old.  I personally think this is too young, but this is not my child, not my situation.  She has picked up other things well, and maybe she is ready for this challenge earlier than my kids were.  She walks around in regular underwear at home now, and they use pullups when they are out.  They are determined to train her, so I am determined to be supportive.

We saw them the other day at a birthday party.  Child in a pull up.  Mom goes to take child to the potty.  Trying to be supportive I ask Dad, "Is she peeing on the potty now?"  Dad answers, "Yes. And EVERYWHERE else." 

And as I burst into laughter, I decided this was not the situation where I was going to be able to pull off #36.  I guess I will keep looking and trying.


  1. Love it Miriam...can't wait to read more!

  2. Yes we read your blog :p also being an opinionated person, I'll leave it at that.
