Monday, January 3, 2011

My bucket list here it goes.  The list of 40 things that I want to do before I turn 40 in October.  Some are things I have always wanted to do.  Some are things I have been meaning to do but haven't gotten to.  Some are silly, some are altruistic.  But here they are, and I hope you enjoy my experiences trying to complete them all.  Please let me know if you want to be a part of any of them- it is always more fun to do things with friends!!!

40 Before 40

1.      Feed the homeless
2.    See Ruby Falls and Rock City
3.    Climb Stone Mountain
4.    Do Clemson tri with friends (Steph???)
5.    Wear a bikini in public
6.    After a negative experience with someone, find the positive in them and let them know what it is.
7.     Make a pillowcase for the Cancer center (
8.    Get a mammogram (EVERY.DAMN.YEAR.)
9.    Apply for Survivor
10.Zumba with Darby
11.   Go on a group bike ride
12.  Get back to Lifetime at WW
13. Start a blog
14.  Compete in a race with the goal of placing, not just finishing.
15. Get my hair straightened.
16. Buy an expensive (over $100) pair of jeans
17.  Wear these jeans with high heels
18. Go horseback riding with Mary
19. Take the kids to a drive in
20. Visit at least 1 new city
21. Take the kids to a Clemson soccer game
22. Contribute to my IRA
23. Take my girls to the “Take your daughter to Clemson” weekend
24. Make it to the bus stop one day without raising my voice EVEN ONE TIME.
25. Pay the toll for the car behind me.
26. Build a house with Habitat.
27. Learn to knit- left handed
28. Eat a meal made up completely of food I have grown and/or caught.
29. Show up as mystery reader in costume (stolen idea from a FB friend)
30. Get a physical. (And not just the “girly” stuff)
31. Have lunch with an old friend and catch up (Thx Chelle!)
32. Take a clay class with Kelly
33. Make a list of 10 people I know in my life that have inspired me
34. Wear pajama jeans to the mall (which means I have to get some!)
35. List 10 times I was WAY wrong
36. Support someone in something I don’t believe in, just because I love them
37. Mardi Gras (why haven’t I thought of this before???)
38. Run down “The Hill”
39. Zip line in Georgia
40. Interview my parents about their youth, and capture it.

Top Ideas that did NOT make the list:
-Brazilian wax (sorry Terri, can’t imagine that ending well!)
-Ironman (holy cow- those things cost $250!!!)
-skydiving (again, a cost issue, or maybe it is just that I really WANT to see 40)
-sleep with Bret Michaels (it took him 16 years to propose to his baby-mama.  I would hate to ruin it for her.)
-spending the night on a beach/in a cave (done them)
-ice skate in Rockerfeller Center (this is going to have to be before I am 50, since I turn 40 before it will be set up this year)
-run a marathon (I will save that one for 41 J )
-hike the Appalachian Trail.  (wish I had the time.must wait for the kids to get older!)

First thing checked off the list....... #13 my blog!  Guess I should go order my pajama jeans.

Thanks for looking!


  1. Awesome, awesome, awesome, Miriam! LOVE it!

    I'm starting back on WW, so count me in as support on that one. I also live near Stone Mtn. Love to hike it. Hit me up for that one. Would love to take the picture of you at the top.

    I want you to post #33, so we can all be inspired.

    And glad you chose #40. I think you will be surprised by some of the cool and wonderful things you learn. Make sure to document them! (video, or write it all down!)

    Going to link to you on my blog. V. cool list. And similar to many of mine.

    Of course, I don't turn 40 this year. bwahahahahahaha!

  2. I will definitely take you up on the Stone Mtn thing....I think I may have done that as a child, but I sure don't remember it. I am really glad you suggested #40. My aunt did that with her Grandma (my great grandmother) and I love listening to the tapes now.

    And don't worry- you will be 40 soon enough!

  3. Yay! Very cool Mir! We should get together for the meal you prepare that was home grown..... Shae would love to and would have lots to contribute. I'm so glad too that Survivor made the list :) I'd love to climb stone mountain with you too! Love #6 too.... let me know how that one goes :) Also would love to hear the times you were way wrong! Awesome list and blog.... can't wait to hear more about it all :)

  4. This is awesome, Miriam! I can't wait to read about your adventures!

  5. yay! Clay Classes are Wed at 10, or 6 and Thurs at 11. Two hours each. At White Oak Cottage. Info here.
    As for knitting. My mom is left handed too. I taught her right handed but at the store we are looking for a left hander. I have been told if you sit in front mirroring a right hander, you can be taught. The woman that told me that teaches at a correctional facility. but classes at white oak for knitting crochet and weaving too.

  6. Hey, maybe we can do #23 on the same weekend! I've wanted to do that one for years.

    Looking forward to following your progress. You go, girl!

  7. Gee Lisette, have someone in mind for #6???

    And Terry, the weekend this year is May 21-22nd. I would love for you guys to be there too!

    Kelly, I think I may have talked Allison into taking a clay class with me :)

  8. #2 is beautiful. #3 I would love to get in shape and do with you, I did it in college. #19 we'll go with you! #37 I'll see if I can get off work!!

  9. I'll help with #1! I just love you-you're still inspiring me after all these years! When you do #40-take it one step further. Tell them that "whatever" it is that they have hidden from you...their friends will tell you after they've died so they might as well tell you now and have it be from their perspective-I had several friends tell me of my mother's fun escapades in Mexico-I so would have loved to hear her version of it and enjoyed every minute of it.

