Sunday, January 30, 2011

Out of the comfort zone- again!

10.Zumba with Darby

As if I wasn't already moving outside of my comfort zone last week, this week I actually tried Zumba.    For those of you who know me well, count quickly in your heads the number of times you have ever seen me dance.  That was easy, wasn't it???  I am an athletic person, but rhythm is not one of my strong points.  Add to the fact that the room the class was in is FULL of mirrors, and you can quickly see how this was something I was dreading. 

I went to a class my friend Lucy was teaching.  Now you have to understand, I have taken her sculpt classes before, and I know she is enthusiastic. I run with her on Fridays (when she is not getting her hair done.) My friend Darby would be there too- what was there to be scared of??? Even my friend Jenny (who is new to my gym) showed up for the action. The class was packed, and everyone looked excited and ready to have a good time.

The music started, and it was impossible not to feel the energy in the room. Obviously most people had taken the class before- they were smiling and going along with it.  I followed Lucy in the mirror and tried to keep up with the steps.  As I watched I wondered to myself, "Is this an actual routine, or is she just making it up as she goes along???"

A few minutes in, and Lucy was transformed.  She was smiling, singing, cheering, and it was impossible not to try a little bit harder.  Her enthusiasm was contagious, and I found myself starting to enjoy the class.  Even though I didn't know any of the steps, I continued to move, and began to sweat.  Everyone in the room was enjoying themselves, and to my relief no one seemed to notice that I didn't have a clue as to what I was doing.

That was of course, until Lucy decided between songs to stop the music and introduce me to the rest of the class.  She pointed out that I hadn't done this before, I was doing it for my bucket list, AND that I was turning 40 this year.  There goes the anonymity....................  That being said, everyone was very nice and very encouraging.  A few songs later when Darby warned me not to do the "gator" I realized that this was actually a choreographed routine, and that they hadn't all been making up moves the whole time!  A few more songs, and the class was over.

All in all the class was fun.  I really enjoyed watching Lucy become so passionate about teaching.  I wish I could find a job that I enjoyed that much! (Of course that post is for another day....the whole finding a job that fits your passions could actually turn into a whole different blog for me :) Thanks to Lucy, Darby, Jenny and the rest of the class for making it so enjoyable.  And who knows....I may just show up for another Zumba class one day!!!


  1. Way to go, Miriam! Love seeing you all together. cept that chick on the end. (don't know her.)

    So, i'm climbing stone mt today. (we do it every once in a while.) I didn't even think to call you. Let me know when you want to do it, though, and i'll meet you!

  2. Have fun!!! Let me know next time you go (as long as it is warm out :)

    You should join us for Zumba one will see a whole new side of Lucy!
